We strive to maintain our service in best levels, this is a part of our commitment for customers satisfaction. One of PT TOYA INDO MANUNGGAL selling points is on how we server and manage to treat our customers.

To maintain our perfomance, the company is also supportes with experts, skillfull and experienced technicians. Safety is always be one of our main priorities in our business operation. We apply high standart of safe work environment to our facilities and human resources. All of our plant operators are well trained with knowledge and skill about safe work procedure, poisonous and dangerous materials. We apply this policy with strict dicipline in our production process and services which includes uploading & unloading, packing, delivery and others. This is our way of protecting our valauble assets and to keep the environment arround our plant site in safe level.

For delivery and unloading process,our comapny is equipped with :

  • Safe Transportation system
    We run safe delivery fleet which complies with safety standart equipped with label and complete information about the chemical materials onboard.
  • Personal safety gear
    Our operators must wear personal safety facilities which comply with the safety standard

To guarantee the delivery process in safe condition, we are equipped with carrier fleet such as:

  • Rubber lining tank, with 10-25 ton capacity for hydrochloric Acid (HCl) delivery.
  • Stainless steel tank, with 10 - 25 tan capacity fot Caustic Soda (NaOH) delivery.
  • Carbon steel tank, with 15-20 ton capacity for Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) delivery.
  • Special Packaging, based by demand such as drum, isotank, IBC, pail, zak/bag, tubes,etc.

We will always put maximum focus an accident preseverence, eliminating loss potentials on the lowest level which may caused by chemical defect, tools malfunction and work hours effectivity.


Visitor Number

Jl. Raya Surabaya-Mojokerto KM. 9,7 Taman
Phone. +62 31 7873475, +62 31 7874941 – Fax. +62 31 7887112
e-mail address: sales@tim.co.id